Monday, April 18, 2005

some advice

Say you're just starting out in your research. You know that you want to work on animals, but you're not sure exactly what. Before you go jump headlong into your work, here's a bit of advice for you. Choosing your test subject is not as easy as you think it'll be. Sure you are attracted to glamorous animals like elephants and tigers. But tell me, how many times have you actually seen a tiger? If you do decide to work on tigers, more likely than not, you'll spend all your time either just looking for the damn things or worse, depending on tiger traces. You'll spend hours analyzing what the tiger ate from its scat. Same goes for almost any large mammals. Here, listen to me. Pick something small. Something that is readily available all the time, so there won't be a problem of a sudden drop in numbers at crucial stages in your experiments. Something that isn't nocturnal, so you can continue with that excuse for a life that you have. Best of all, pick something that doesn't move all that much. As close to plants as possible, so that you know that there is a high degree of certainty that you will find it in the same place the next day. And above all something that doesn't fly. A small walking thing is a hundred times better than a small flying thing. There's absolutely no way you can control a flying beast, unless you put them in cages and stuff, and even then, they're not going to take it too well, anyway. So to recap- small, stationary and abundant. Spiders. Now, there's a good test subject for you.